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Meet your new HIP-HOP drummer

Hip-Hop! EZX - Expansion for EZdrummer 2

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The rich, hyper-detailed sound of one of the world’s most treasured concert grand pianos. A dynamic, singing piano for everything from pop to classical.


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EZkeys Pipe Organ - Trailer

EZkeys Pipe Organ – meet the organist

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UAD Friedman Amplifiers by Brainworx Plug-In Collection Demo w/ Doug Doppler

Friedman Amplifiers Plug-In Collection.
Two Flavors of Classic British tones from a boutique icon.

For over 20 years, Dave Friedman has been a gear guru to the stars, designing rigs and modifying amplifiers for the likes of Eddie Van Halen, Jerry Cantrell, Guns N’ Roses and more. When Friedman began building his own amps, he gleaned inspiration from high-powered British tone machines of yesteryear that have become the defacto sound of rock.

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UAD Wood Works by Sound Machine Plug-In Trailer

UAD Wood Works by Sound Machine Plug-In Demo

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UAD Distortion Essentials Plug-Ins Demo w/ Doug Doppler

Distortion Essentials Bundle.
Three legendary distortion pedals for UAD-2 and Apollo interfaces.

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EMOTIVE STRINGS - Ultra-playable legato string phrases

EMOTIVE STRINGS - Playing With "Emotives"

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Session Guitarist - Strummed Acoustic Tutorial


  • True acoustic sound in uncompromising quality
  • Fluid playability for quickly creating professional rhythm parts
  • Double tracking, fret noise, and on-board effects for added sonic depth

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Sunbird Guitar library by Acousticsamples

Sunbird Guitar library by Acousticsamples - Strumming

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UAD Manley Variable Mu Limiter Compressor Plug-In Trailer

Manley Variable Mu® Limiter Compressor Plug-In.
Tube compression royalty for your mixes.

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CFX Concert Grand Perspectives

Hear how Abbey Road engineers used three sets of microphones to create three unique perspectives, to allow you and your listeners to experience the CFX in very different ways.


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 2014年11月・12月に開催された椎名林檎のアリーナツアー「林檎博’14 −年女の逆襲−」。その12月10日大阪城ホールでのライブの模様を完全収録した映像作品が、3月18日(水)にDVDとブルーレイでリリースすることとが決定しました。

電子楽器、管弦楽器、打楽器、そしてダンサーからなる総勢37名の演者集団、The Mighty Galactic Empire(銀河帝国楽団)。彼らをバックに、椎名林檎が繰り出す、絢爛なエンターテインメントが完全収録された内容。ライブに実際に行かれた方も、そうでない方も、十二分にお楽しみいただける作品です。ケース付き3Dレンチキュラー・ハードカバー・ブック仕様とともに、「林檎博'14」ツアーでの全衣装を公開した、撮り下ろしスペシャル・フォトブック“年女のパンフ”が封入されているのも見逃せません。


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