Recording Nirvana's In Bloom (Butch Vig breaks it down...) - Curious how they did it? Butch Vig deconstructs Nirvana's song "In Bloom". Awesome video of him behind the console in the studio soloing out sections of the song and talking about how they made the record. Tip of the hat to "Classic Albums".
If you're in a band or into recording, please visit our website We provide professional music mixing services to bands & artists. -Rob
Recording Nirvana's song Polly (Butch Vig breaks it down...) - Curious how they did it? This is a clip of Butch Vig dissecting Nirvana's song "Polly" from their album Nevermind. Butch Vig produced the record. Again, he solos out single sounds embedded in the song. It can be quite haunting to hear Kurt's voice by itself. Great song. Tip of the hat to "Classic Albums".
If you're a musician, in a band or into music production, please visit the site I maintain - . We offer professional mixing services for artists & musicians.
Recording Nirvana: Something In The Way. (Recording Studio) - Curious how they did it? Butch Vig deconstructs Nirvana's song "Something In The Way". Awesome video of him behind the console in the studio soloing out sections of the song and talking about how they made the record. This is probably my favorite clip yet. Again, tip of the hat to "Classic Albums".
If you're a musician, in a band or into music production, please visit the site I maintain - . We offer professional mixing services for artists & musicians.
Recording Nirvana: Smells Like Teen Spirit (w/ Butch Vig) - This is the best one yet. Butch Vig deconstructs the song Smells Like Teen Spirit. Like the other videos, this is one is of him behind the console in the studio soloing out sections of the song and talking about how they made the record. Tip of the hat to "Classic Albums".
If you're in a band or into recording, please visit our website We provide professional music mixing services to bands & artists. -Rob
Recording Nirvana: Drain You (Butch Vig Breaks It Down In The Studio) - My favorite Nirvana song, and the best video clip yet. Butch Vig deconstructs the song Drain You. Like the other videos, this is one is of him behind the console in the studio soloing out sections of the song and talking about how they made the record. Tip of the hat to "Classic Albums" & EagleRock Entertainment. If you're in a band or into recording, please visit our website We provide professional music mixing services to bands & artists. -Rob