Rock Songs MIDI Pack - Out Now!
Rock Songs
We all know creativity is not 9-5, that it does not come served on a plate and that once it does have the good taste to show up, you do not want to beat around the bush; you want to capture the moment, grab what you can while it is there. Then, how about having someone to lay down the perfect drum track for you in a matter of minutes so you can get started axing out the details of your song and being creative for real? If so, Rock Songs is for you!
Played by Swedish powerhouse drummer Owe Lingvall, this MIDI pack comes stocked with a variety of songs in different feels, styles and tempos. Part from the individual, full 4-8 bar song structure building blocks (verse, pre chorus, chorus, bridge, fill etc.), it also includes each entire performance from start to finish as a Jamtrack, which means you can fire that up and jam along to the original take right away.
• Approximately 450 individually played files
• Categorized in different songs
• Full intro / verse / pre-chorus / chorus / bridge / fill sections & variations
• Full Jamtrack of each song performance
• Ballad / Halftime / Midtempo / Uptempo / Shuffle variations
No complaints, no coffee breaks, only rock.
Works with EZdrummer®, Superior Drummer® (optimized for 1 kick, 1 snare, 2 toms, 1 floor-tom, 2 crash-cymbals, 1 ride-cymbal)