If you want to automatically tune a vocal track, Waves Tune will make the changes as gently or as aggressively as you like, using the default parameters or your own personalized settings.
Select your singer’s range (Generic, Bass, Baritone, Tenor, Alto, Mezzo Soprano, or Soprano) or change the range manually as needed. Select the Root Note and Scale, and Waves Tune will correct to the notes in that key. Choose from dozens of scales, from Blues and Bebop to Hindustani Bilawal and everything in between. Or create your own custom scales, and have Waves Tune correct to adjacent notes. You can even bypass notes entirely, leaving them “as is.” Then, set and save your favorite scales as user presets.
Waves Tune’s default correction is so good it may be all you need. But when you need to get down to the fine details, that‘s when Waves Tune’s awesome power and ease of use really shine.
Speed determines how long it takes for Waves Tune to kick in at the beginning of a note; the slower the rate, the gentler the correction. Faster speeds create even more radical results.
Turn the Note Transition knob and you'll see the connection between notes become smoother at slower speeds and more angular at higher rates, for clean glides or distinct jumps between notes.
Use Ratio to control overall pitch correction. Turning it down from 100%, you'll see the correction curve gradually move toward the detection curve (the original pitch) until they finally meet.
Use the Note tool to select one or more notes to move or adjust.
Use the Scissors tool to cut notes into segments which can be moved or manipulated independently.
Use the Glue tool to combine multiple notes into one.
Use the Line tool to draw precise lines and angles by defining beginning and end points. Great for glissandos!
Click-drag on the Curve tool to move the correction curve up or down while maintaining the natural pitch contour.
Use the Pencil tool to manually redraw the correction curve.
Use the Zoom tool to get a close-up view for detail work.
Use the Navigator tool to move around the Edit window.
Work Anywhere in Your Vocal Track Without Limits or Exporting
By harnessing the power of ReWire, Waves Tune provides instant access to all playback functions including looping and scrolling. Now, there’s no need to export your track for processing or to separate a chunk of your file to work on. Play cursor position and loop points can be set at any time to any session location, using your host or Waves Tune’s transport controls. Set the Timeline Ruler to Bars/Beats, Minutes/Seconds, or Samples for pinpoint navigation.
Change That Tune!
Let’s say you want to go beyond correction. Maybe your vocalist finished on an “A”, but you think going up to a “C” would be more dramatic. No problem. Waves Tune represents each individual note as an orange block. To change the pitch, just use the Note Tool to grab the orange block and drag it up or down on the piano-roll grid. Waves Tune’s advanced formant correction keeps the tone sounding completely natural, even on wide intervals. Use the keyboard graphic to hear your target note before you choose it.
If there are several notes you’d like to change into one note, the Glue Tool will combine them. Or to divide a single note, just snip it into two or more segments using the Scissors Tool.
Export the notes of your track as a perfect MIDI file, and have a synthesizer or sampler to follow a vocal’s every move—including pitch bends. Or trigger Waves Tune using an external MIDI keyboard. Waves Tune will override the Notes Grid while you’re playing, and will return to normal functioning once the MIDI input stops.
Real or Surreal Vibrato - Your Choice
Waves Tune has the ability to not only detect natural vibrato, but to manipulate it as well—naturally. Click on the Natural Vibrato button and Waves Tune will highlight natural vibrato in pink. If you’d like to increase or decrease it, just adjust the Attack and Amount parameters, and you’ll see the Pitch Curve become flatter or wavier, giving you more or less of your vocal’s natural vibrato. And if you need a totally smooth, precise vibrato or an extreme vocal effect, click on the Synth Vibrato. Its precision controls let you determine Waveform, Depth, Predelay, Attack, and Rate.