Singing with VocaLive and iRig Mic

Playing and recording with VocaLive and iRig Mic

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IK Multimedia 對 Apple 真的很夠意思,早就想用平板電腦代替那包重到不行的譜了!

Quick Start

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Imperfect Samples' Fazioli Ebony Concert Grand

Imperfect Samples Fazioli Ebony Concert Grand Piano Sample Library from imperfect samples on Vimeo.

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雷曼兔代言雷諾Grand Scenic汽車,拍攝一系列廣告

雷曼兔偷了一台Grand Scenic,準備對它做一系列測試

測試一: 咖啡 (後車廂超大容量!!)

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 進去後, 在聊天視窗告訴實驗室技工, 你想怎樣毀掉下一台Chrome OS筆電, 好戲立刻就會上演喔!!

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原來鋼琴踏板不只 on 和 off ,還有那麼多學問啊...

Galaxy Pianos Tutorial 'ARTICULATION'

All about pedaling in general, halfpedaling, repedaling, sostenuto, una corda and silent key, all featured in the Galaxy Pianos engine.


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Galaxy Vintage D Trailer


Galaxy Pianos welcome 2010 with an all new engine, a completely redesigned user interface and, besides the well known Galaxy II Grand Piano Collection, a new grand piano legend: Galaxy Vintage D.

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Cinesamples Drums of War 2
Sequel to our award winning Drums of War library.

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Mid-Side Processing是專業Mastering慣用的伎倆,它可以讓最後的成品聽起來更飽滿,更寬廣,卻不會損壞音質,看看人家怎麼做吧!

示範影片一:使用Brainworx bx_XL

Mastering a rock track in M/S with bx_XL. 10 minutes from a mix to a final master.


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A trombone player in an anechoich chamber. Playing articulation and phrases. But....what are you hearing? Is it the trombonist, or a MIDI driven Virtual Instrument, exactly reproducing the original phrases? 
Samplemodeling "The Trombone" overcomes the limits between real and virtual.

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Real Trumpet or Virtual Instrument? The Samplemodeling Trumpet

This video shows a trumpet player playing his trumpet. Is it really a real trumpet? Or is it a Virtual Instrument?

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The new Samplemodeling baby ! Mr. Sax.T. The most expressive Virtual Saxophone ever!

Dear friends,

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Dr Octo Rex Guitar Collection

A Christmas treat from Propellerhead Software, this collection of electric and acoustic guitar loops for the Dr Octo Rex loop player in Reason 5. Each patch comes with eight loops arranged by song key, making this a very handy tool when adding a guitar track to you song.

Want to get your hands on it? Join us on and check the 'Fans only' page for more info.

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