- Feb 24 Thu 2011 18:48
NI Scarbee Funk Guitarist
- Feb 21 Mon 2011 12:05
Radiohead 2011新專輯
Radiohead - Lotus Flower (Music Video)
- Feb 19 Sat 2011 08:53
- Feb 18 Fri 2011 19:34
UVI 出的 木鋼琴 和 電鋼琴
UVI Grand Piano performed by Guillaume Roussel
Simply plug a MIDI keyboard in your computer and you're ready to play one of the best instrument ever made: a Steinway™ Model D Grand Piano.
- Feb 10 Thu 2011 07:20
Android 遊戲手機 Sony Ericsson Xperia PLAY
靈感應該來自於 Sony 自家的 PSP go 吧?
The new Sony Ericsson Xperia PLAY. Android is ready to play
- Feb 04 Fri 2011 23:21
Sony出招了! PSP2「NGP」華麗登場...
- Feb 03 Thu 2011 17:02
Neumann TLM102 各種樂器錄音麥克風擺位示範觀摩
Neumann TLM102 Microphones - Drum Overheads
- Feb 03 Thu 2011 16:40
A Designs Hammer EQ 示範觀摩
A Designs Hammer EQ on a Mix (2-bus)
- Feb 02 Wed 2011 16:19
Toontrack Rock Songs MIDI Pack
Rock Songs MIDI Pack - Out Now!
Rock Songs
We all know creativity is not 9-5, that it does not come served on a plate and that once it does have the good taste to show up, you do not want to beat around the bush; you want to capture the moment, grab what you can while it is there. Then, how about having someone to lay down the perfect drum track for you in a matter of minutes so you can get started axing out the details of your song and being creative for real? If so, Rock Songs is for you!
- Jan 24 Mon 2011 17:45
蘋果老大 Steve Jobs 簡報時的口頭禪
- Jan 23 Sun 2011 13:38
[PSP] Angry Birds
Angry Birds - PSP Trailer
- Jan 20 Thu 2011 20:50
Universal Audio UAD-2 Satellite 我想很久的外接式 UAD 效果卡
繼 Cakewalk Sonar X1 開發我想要的 FX Chain 功能之後,連 Universal Audio 都能猜透我想要什麼...
Ta Da... 透過 Firewire 800 把 UAD 效果卡做成外接式~ 這樣我就可以拿來給 Mac Mini 用了ㄝ
看來我的 TC Powercore Firewire 應該逃不過被我賣掉的命運了...
UAD-2 Satellite - "Space Launch" video from NAMM Show
- Jan 17 Mon 2011 00:15
IK Mutimedia AmpliTube Fender for iPhone & iPad
- Jan 15 Sat 2011 20:45
iZotope Stutter Edit
- Jan 15 Sat 2011 13:51
KORG 發表最新旗艦級音樂工作站 KRONOS
國外很多網友說,應該會有許多人把 OASYS 拿到 ebay 上面賣
Korg KRONOS Music Workstation- Official Product Introduction
Korg KRONOS Launch Event - NAMM 2011