- Jan 27 Wed 2010 23:33
Native Instruments Abbey Road 60s Drums
- Jan 24 Sun 2010 16:16
Super Mario on Flute w beatbox
- Jan 24 Sun 2010 11:44
周星馳-NIKE RED愛滋病公益廣告
- Jan 16 Sat 2010 15:44
XLN Audio ADpak Modern Jazz
Modern Jazz - Brushes / RealSweep Technology
Modern Jazz ADpaks-Beats and Presets
Modern Jazz Brushes ADpak-Brush Sweep Grooves
- Jan 16 Sat 2010 15:35
XLN Audio ADpak Retro
Addictive Drums-Retro ADpak Demo
Retro ADpak-Black Oyster Kit Jam
Retro ADpak-Vistalite Kit Jam
- Jan 16 Sat 2010 15:15
XLN Audio Addictive Drums
Addictive Drums Tutorial 1 - Introduction
Addictive Drums Tutorial 2 - Getting Started
Addictive Drums Tutorial 3 - Inserts and Effects
- Jan 16 Sat 2010 12:00
IK Multimedia AmpliTube 3
- Jan 10 Sun 2010 01:11
FXPansion DCAM: Synth Squad
An Introduction to DCAM Synth Squad
DCAM Synth Squad - An Introduction to Strobe
DCAM Synth Squad - An Introduction to Cypher
- Jan 08 Fri 2010 00:45
ns_kit7 - 13" hi-hats MIDI timeline video capture
這是一套含HALion、Kontakt preset的鼓組音源:NDK(Nature Drum Kit),其中一個Hi-Hat的聲音
MIDI訊號操作方式跟Scarbee Imperial Drums類似,可以控制踏板開合程度
不過除非有vdrum輸入設備跟一個熟練的鼓手,否則應該很難用滑鼠「畫」出這麼逼真的訊號 = =
- Jan 03 Sun 2010 23:54
Cakewalk Studio Instruments
- Jan 03 Sun 2010 14:53
audiobro LA Scoring Strings
Sample screenshot of LASS Real Legato
Sample screenshot of A.R.T. (Auto Rhythm Tool)
demos |
Video |
- Jan 03 Sun 2010 11:52
Sony MediaSoftware: Tony Franklins Not Just Another Pretty Bass
Tony Franklins Interview
Tony Franklin is the 'Fretless Monster.' His bass playing is all about chops, tone, and taste, in proportions that sum to the kind of sound that people like Jimmy Page and bands like Whitesnake have used to full effect. Tony Franklin: Not Just Another Pretty Bass is a double-disc, 24-bit collection of hundreds of bass loops that comprise fifteen unique song structure themes, all performed by Tony on his customized Fender® Fretless Precision Bass®, the same instrument he used with Page in The Firm, onstage in Whitesnake, and in countless other sonic exploits.
In Tony's able hands, this instrument gives up the sound and the vibe that makes the P Bass® what it is: the ideal, essential, and inimitable sound of rock ?yesterday, today, and tomorrow. The fretless aspect of Tony's style makes his playing unique in the world of hard rock celebrities, and the slippery lines of round wound steel on smooth ebony contain the curves of the distinctive Franklin signature. Each of the fifteen flexible electric bass themes contained in this collection offer up all the elements of great rock tracks, from foundation to flash to finish. Enjoy this gritty (and sometimes pretty) collection in ACID® software, and every other hardware and software platform that supports the .wav file format. |
- Jan 01 Fri 2010 00:06
- Dec 28 Mon 2009 00:46
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