BATTERY 4 - Drum Sampling Re-defined
- Lightning-fast workflow for maximum creativity
- Supercharged library for electronic and urban styles
- Inspiring effects, intuitive routing and sidechaining

BATTERY 4 - Drum Sampling Re-defined
Orchestral String Runs - 1st Impressions
Orchestral String Runs - RUNS BUILDER
[OSR] - Runs Transition Patch (Playable String Runs)
Guitar Power Chords for Kontakt | | Powerchords
Fender Metal Thrash guitar sample library for Kontakt with Guitar Rig or Amplitube |
A new UVI-powered release from Gospel Musicians : Neo-Soul Keys 3X
1. Mark 1 Stage Electric Piano
Introducing Lounge Lizard EP-4
Thiago Pinheiro plays the Lounge Lizard EP-4 electric piano
EZkeys Classic Electrics - Trailer
The sounds
EZkeys Classic Electrics comes with two of the world's most defining and characteristic electric pianos, the Rhodes MK I and the Wurlitzer 200A. These instruments have been the voice of several generations and immortalized in classic songs spanning any genre from funk to soul and jazz. Captured in painstaking detail by top of the line equipment, the Classic Electrics libraries combine second-to-none playability with world-class sounds, making them just as perfect for the stage as the studio.
Waves Element - Create A Track From Scratch
Introducing Element: The first ever synthesizer from Waves. Powered by Virtual Voltage™ technology, Element is an analog-style polyphonic instrument engineered to deliver the fat, gritty sound of the classics, with all the precision, flexibility and control of contemporary digital synths.
API® 500 Series EQ Plug-In Collection Trailer
The World’s Most Accurate Emulations of API 500 Series EQs — Perfect for Mixing Guitar and Drums.
API’s classic 550A and 560 Series EQs left their indelible stamp on the legendary recordings of the ‘60s and ‘70s, and their popularity has exploded in the decades since. The 500 Series’ innovative modular design has become an industry standard, and Saul Walker’s vintage API EQ modules remain sought-after treasures by owners of studios both large and small. Today, Universal Audio brings you the definitive sound of the API 550A and 560 EQs as UAD plug-ins, faithfully capturing the characteristic filter shapes, complex band interactions, and unique filter amp distortion that until now only the genuine hardware could provide.
Painstakingly modeled on pristine early-1970s units provided to Universal Audio by Ross Hogarth and Capitol Studios, both the 550A and 560 plug-ins deliver API’s legendary powerful punch, low-frequency transparency, and ultra-tight imaging — with all the flavor and character of their hardware counterparts.
Teletronix® LA-2A Classic Leveler Plug-In Collection Trailer
The Ultimate Software Collection of the Most Revered Optical Compressors in History.
The Teletronix LA-2A Leveling Amplifier rivals only the Universal Audio 1176 as one of the most revered compressors ever created. With its gentle, program dependent optical compression and meticulously designed tube amplifier, the LA-2A is the go-to compressor for professional mixers around the world — especially for vocals.
In 2001, Universal Audio set the standard in analog emulation with the original UAD LA-2A plug-in. Since then, advances in processing power and a decade of analog emulation experience enabled UA’s engineers to redesign the legendary LA-2A with luxurious, obsessive detail. For the new LA-2A Classic Leveler Plug-In Collection, Universal Audio painstakingly modeled the entire electronic path of three of the most sought-after LA-2A units — “Silver,” “Gray,” and the original LA-2 model – creating the most authentic emulations ever of this iconic compressor.
東京事変DVD/BD「Golden Time」2.27リリース
2月27日(水)、東京事変のミュージッククリップ・セレクションDVD/BD『Golden Time』がリリースされます。傑作ぞろいの事変クリップから10曲を厳選するとともに、未収録クリップも初収録、さらには「閃光少女」のクリップの再編集版を制作と、タイトルに違わぬ豪華さです。CD-BOXの『Hard Disk』と同時リリースとなります。
東京事変CD-BOX「Hard Disk」2.27リリース
2月27日(水)、東京事変の、完全限定生産のコンプリートCD-BOX『Hard Disk』がリリースされます。過去の全オリジナルアルバムと『深夜枠』のCD7枚に、特典Disc「Recovery Disc」も加えた全8枚組。LPサイズの特製ジャケット、特典には事変ロゴが刻印されたUSBメモリーなど、永久保存を推奨するアイテムです。ミュージック・クリップベストDVD/BD『Golden Time』と同時リリースです。
Waves Kings Microphones demonstration
Used exclusively by the royal family for speeches on momentous occasions, each of these three priceless microphones dating back to the 1920s and 1930s was tailored and tuned especially for its specific user: King George V, King George VI, and Queen Elizabeth. Beautifully designed and decorated with gold, silver, and chrome adornments bearing the royal coats of arms, each is a one-of-a-kind aesthetic masterpiece with its own distinctive sonic character. The King’s Microphones plugin offers stunningly accurate recreations of the originals’ unique frequency responses, with three proximity settings for each.