- Oct 04 Thu 2012 19:07
Native Instruments PREMIUM TUBE SERIES
- Oct 01 Mon 2012 02:09
Cakewalk Sonar X1 Producer Expanded/X2 Producer Edition - ProChannel Modules
- Sep 23 Sun 2012 01:55
Cakewalk Sonar X2 正式發表,來看看和X1有什麼不同
SONAR X2 - Transitioning From SONAR X1
- Sep 22 Sat 2012 20:58
Wavesfactory Ukulele Finger & Ukulele Strum
- Sep 18 Tue 2012 22:41
Musiclab RealLPC RealGuitar RealStrat 系列更新至 v3.0
- Sep 18 Tue 2012 22:21
Toontrack EZkeys Upright Piano
EZkeys Upright Piano & 1.1 Software Update - Trailer
EZkeys Upright - Walkthrough
EZkeys Upright Piano - The sound
- Jul 11 Wed 2012 09:03
有了Toontrack EZdrummer,你還缺鼓聲嗎?
EZdrummer Line - What's your sound?
The ever-growing catalog of EZXs (expansions for EZdrummer) offer something for every genre - from metal, jazz and country to electronic, pop and anything in between!
- Jun 06 Wed 2012 03:41
Toontrack - Roots SDX
Roots SDX (expansion for Superior Drummer) - Walkthrough
The Making of Roots SDX (expansion for Superior Drummer)
Roots SDX - Brushes, Rods & Mallets
- Jun 06 Wed 2012 02:48
Toontrack - Pop! EZX
Pop! EZX (Expansion for EZdrummer)
Pop! EZX®
For the past decade and counting, Toontrack has recorded drums in some of the world's best studios, with some of the most esteemed engineers, with the most in-demand players and with only the best of the best in terms gear at their disposal. With sounds recorded in legendary studios like New York's Hit Factory, London's 2Khz Studio or where Nashville's A-list clientele go, Blackbird Studios, the Pop! EZX is the culmination of years of relentless recordings and a true testament to the company's search for the perfect sound.
- Jun 06 Wed 2012 02:26
Native Instruments - The GIANT 鋼琴中的巨人
- May 08 Tue 2012 23:09
Toontrack Pop/Rock EZkeys MIDI
Pop/Rock EZkeys MIDI - Trailer
In this extensive library, Rickard Frohm, the original EZkeys piano player, takes a headfirst plunge into the wonderful realm of pop and rock! Covering everything from soothing ballads to funky pop and uptempo rock, this pack is sure to become a gem in your arsenal of songwriting tools! Drag, drop, transpose, customize, create and make music! Get new ideas and instant inspiration!
- May 08 Tue 2012 23:01
Toontrack EZkeys Grand Piano
- May 03 Thu 2012 14:03
Mr. Battery電池先生行動電源產品保固記(原本黑鑽換成Sundae 6000mAh 旗艦版)
1. 一時找不到保卡,列印PChome購買證明,打去台中Nova 2F電池先生門市,小姐說一定要有保卡
2. 打去台北總部,客服表示可以用購買證明代替保卡,且會幫我跟門市說一聲
3. 去到門市,店員說該型號停產了,問我要送修還是換新的型號給我,我選擇換新型號
- Apr 18 Wed 2012 08:48
Waves - NLS(Non-Linear Summer) 一組三款Console
一次滿足三種願望! 又不是健達出奇蛋... = =
Analog Summing with Waves NLS
Tutorial: Getting Started with Waves NLS
- Apr 18 Wed 2012 08:34
Toontrack - Dirt EZmix Pack 好髒!