鋼琴手和用鍵盤Bass手的耳機好熟悉啊...那不是DT-770 Pro嗎?
George Duke + Greg Phillinganes - "The Face"
In this video, legendary keyboardists George Duke and Greg Phillinganes jam with our Trilian Total Bass Module - with Bob Wilson laying down his trademark drumming.
George Duke + Greg Phillinganes - "Samba GG"
In this video, legendary keyboardists George Duke and GregPhillinganes jam with our Trilian Total Bass Module - with Bob Wilsonlaying down his trademark drumming.
George Duke + Greg Phillinganes - "Behind the Scenes"
In this video, we go behind the scene of the recording session where legendary keyboardists George Duke and Greg Phillinganes jam with Spectrasonics Trilian Total Bass Module - with Bob Wilson laying down his trademark drumming.