TC Electronic PolyTune for iPhone
In this video, you will get a complete overview of the PolyTuneiPhone App from TC Electronic. In short, it's a 1:1 port from theoriginal, award-winning PolyTune pedal, which was the world's firstpolyphonic guitar and bass tuner.
How to build your own PolyTune
Learn how to build your own TC Electronic PolyTune pedalusing only your iPhone, the PolyTune iPhone App and a few commonaccessories such as a metal box, a jewelcase, and some cables.
PolyTune iPhone App - The making of
In this video, you can see how the TC Electronic PolyTune
tuner pedal was transformed into an iPhone App. We meet the developers,
the testers, and even get a sneak peak of the app in action on an iPad.
More about PolyTune iPhone App: