TC Electronic PolyTune for iPhone

In this video, you will get a complete overview of the PolyTuneiPhone App from TC Electronic. In short, it's a 1:1 port from theoriginal, award-winning PolyTune pedal, which was the world's firstpolyphonic guitar and bass tuner.

How to build your own PolyTune

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Reason 5 - Kong Drum Designer

Where do we begin? The Kong Drum Designer in Reason 5 is a powerhouse drum machine giving you virtually every type of drum sound generation around... analog synth generators, physical modeling, REX loops and slices, sample playback and live sampling. Throw some extra supporting tone generators on top of it and some effects specifically designed for beat production and you've got yourself one hell of an animal.

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Reason 5 & Record 1.5 - Live Sampling

Remember the time when samples were something you sampled and not loaded from your hard drive? When a sampler was a machine that could record samples, not just play them back.

As samplers became software instead of machines, they came to rely on external sample editing software for recording and editing the samples and the art of spur-of-the-moment creative sampling was pretty much lost. Now we are bringing it back to Reason 5 with its live sampling input.

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Neptune Pitch Adjuster for Record 1.5

Getting a vocal performance right means so much more than hitting the right notes at the right time. Sometimes you get that almost perfect performance with perfect feel and presence, but the singer might have missed a few notes. That's when Neptune can save the day. Neptune is an advanced pitch adjuster, audio transposer and voice synth for Record 1.5.

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Reason 5 & Record 1.5 - Blocks

Many musicians tend to think of music in terms like intro, verse, chorus, breakdown, buildup and so on. With the new Blocks mode in Reason 5 and Record 1.5, your sequencer does too.

Blocks lets you sequence your songs using a more pattern-based approach, with the segments of your song as individual building blocks to be laid out in your arrangement.

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Reason 5 Record 1.5 - Dr. Octo Rex Loop Player

The upgraded Dr. Octo Rex loop player loads eight REX loops into one player and lets you switch between them on the fly. This makes arranging a breeze - load the drum loops into one player, the guitars into another and use the sequencer to select what loop to play in a pattern-like fashion.

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Lyle Mays and Alex Acuña - Duo #1

In this video, legendary keyboardist Lyle Mays (Pat MethenyGroup) and world-class drummer Alex Acuña (Weather Report) lay down anamazing, uptempo improvisation with the Acoustic Bass from our TrilianTotal Bass Module and Omnisphere - both triggered in real-time from aMIDI'ed Grand Piano.

Lyle Mays and Alex Acuña - Duo #2

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Josh Gabriel - Trilian Remix

In this video, electronic artist Josh Gabriel remixes his track "My Friend" with Trilian for all the synth parts and then takes the new mix out and spins it in his live set to see how it plays in the club.

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鋼琴手和用鍵盤Bass手的耳機好熟悉啊...那不是DT-770 Pro嗎?

George Duke + Greg Phillinganes - "The Face"

In this video, legendary keyboardists George Duke and Greg Phillinganes jam with our Trilian Total Bass Module - with Bob Wilson laying down his trademark drumming.

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GrooveMaker Overview

GrooveMaker - Start Grooving

GrooveMaker - Control Your Mix

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GrooveMaker iPad Free

GrooveMaker iPad Hip-hop

GrooveMaker iPad House

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Music City USA SDX - Trailer

Music City USA SDX - Interviews part 1

Music City USA SDX - Interviews part 2

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AKAI Pro SynthStation Sneak Peek

AKAI SynthStation sneak peek 2

AKAI SynthStation Sneak Peek 3

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FXpansion BFD Eco

FXpansion BFD Eco Demo

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History of Valley People

Dyna-Mite plug-in: Limiting Drums

Dyna-Mite plug-in: Expanding/Gating Drums

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