
UAD Millennia NSEQ-2 EQ Plug-In Trailer

Millennia NSEQ-2 EQ Plug-In

developed by Brainworx

A premium mixing/mastering EQ that lets you switch between ultra-transparent tube and solid state sounds.

Revered for its startling realism and transparent musicality, the Millennia NSEQ-2 has quickly become a go-to parametric EQ for many of the world’s leading studios and mastering houses. Its unique Twin Topology design and pure Class A transformerless circuitry offers a less-is-more approach to the audio chain, yielding a powerful, sonically neutral, analog EQ that brims with spectacular clarity.

Developed for the UAD Powered Plug-Ins platform by Brainworx, the Millennia NSEQ-2 plug-in is a faithful digital model of this hallowed piece of high-end hardware, allowing seamless integration of a state-of-the-art boutique EQ with your UAD-2 DSP Accelerator or Apollo-equipped workstation — at a fraction of the price. 


Twin Topology — Giving You Two World-Class EQs In One

By perfectly emulating Millennia’s exclusive Twin Topology circuit, the Millennia NSEQ-2 plug-in goes straight to the heart of what makes this iconic EQ tick — and why it’s considered one of the finest mastering EQs on the planet. With the ability to switch between an all-triode 300-volt vacuum tube signal path, and an all-discrete J-FET solid-state signal path, you’re afforded two distinctly different EQs, each with colossal amounts of headroom and a stunning array of sonic flavors and colors.


An Authentic Replication of the Original 

Key to the hardware version of the Millennia NSEQ-2 is its minimalist signal path. Fewer gain stages means there’s less chance for distortion — and more room for pure, unadulterated signal. The Millennia NSEQ-2 plug-in exquisitely captures the dead-quiet operation and incomparable dynamic range of the original expensive unit. More importantly, this authentic plug-in replication also delivers the ultra-musical, non-linear behavior of the hardware version, yielding a wide range of textures.


Added Functions — More Firepower, More Flexibility

The Millennia NSEQ-2 plug-in goes beyond the hardware version with three features not found on the original unit. Link mode speeds up your workflow, allowing you to adjust the left and right channels simultaneously, while the addition of an Output Trim control brings another level of usefulness to an already stellar EQ. Push the Millennia NSEQ-2 plug-in’s front-end hard for a host of sublime timbre variations, and then back down the Output Trim so you don’t overload plug-ins down the signal chain. Finally, the plug-in’s M/S mode will lend imagery and depth to your mixes by adding mid/side processing. You can even change the stereo width of your tracks — a powerful tool indeed.


Millennia Features & Specs

  • Faithful model of the legendary Millennia NSEQ-2 Class A Twin Topology (Vacuum Tube and Discrete Solid State) Parametric Equalizer
  • Switch between tube and solid state topologies for a dazzling array of EQ textures  
  • Sculpt and shape with new features such as M/S (mid/side) mode, Link mode, and an Output Trim control
  • Enhance your tracks with four EQ bands: 20 Hz to 20 kHz center frequency, 0.4 to 4.0 Q
  • 32 factory presets
  • Developed for the UAD Powered Plug-Ins platform by Brainworx
  • Requires UAD-2 DSP Accelerator Card or Apollo Interface, available from authorized dealers worldwide


  • Power: discrete 2 step, On / Off
  • M/S: discrete 2 step, On / Off (Toggle M/S mode / stereo mode)
  • Link: discrete 2 step, On / Off (Link left/mid and right/side channel controls)
  • Trim: continuous: -20 dB to 0 dB (Output)

Per channel:

  • In: discrete 2 step, On / Off (Bypass channel)
  • Topology: discrete 2 step, On / Off (On: Pure Class-A Discrete J-FET / Off: Pure Class-A Vacuum Tube)
  • Gain Range: discrete 2 step, On / Off (On: ±10 dB gain range / Off: ±20 dB gain range, all bands)
  • Low In: discrete 2 step, On / Off (enable / disable frequency band)
  • Low Frequency (Hz): discrete 6 step, 20, 34, 56, 100, 180, 270
  • Low Shelf: discrete 2 step, On / Off (Toggle Shelf / Peak filter with fixed Q = 1.0)
  • Low Gain: discrete 21 step, ±20 dB (±10 dB with 10 dB Gain Range enabled)
  • Low-Mid In: discrete 2 step, On / Off  (enable / disable frequency band)
  • Low-Mid Frequency (Hz): continuous 20 to 220 (200 to 2,200 with X10 enabled)
  • Low-Mid X10: discrete 2 step, On / Off (shift frequency range x10)
  • Low-Mid Q: continuous 4.0 – 0.4
  • Low-Mid Gain: discrete 21 step, ±20 dB (±10 dB with 10 dB Gain Range enabled)
  • High-Mid In: discrete 2 step, On / Off  (enable / disable frequency band)
  • High-Mid Frequency (Hz): continuous 250 to 2,500 (2,500 to 25,000 with X10 enabled)
  • High-Mid X10: discrete 2 step, On / Off (shift frequency range x10)
  • High-Mid Q: continuous 4.0 – 0.4
  • High-Mid Gain: discrete 21 step, ±20 dB (±10 dB with 10 dB Gain Range enabled)
  • High In: discrete 2 step, On / Off (enable / disable frequency band)
  • High Frequency (kHz): discrete 6 step, 4.8, 5.8, 8.0, 10, 16, 21
  • High Shelf: discrete 2 step, On / Off (Toggle Shelf / Peak filter with fixed Q = 1.0)
  • High Gain: discrete 21 step, ±20 dB (±10 dB with 10 dB Gain Range enabled)


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