- Jun 22 Wed 2011 02:07
Native Instruments West Africa
- Jun 21 Tue 2011 14:10
Nokia N9(MeeGo)... iOS、Android外的另一選擇
N9迷人的機身設計,加上MeeGo作業系統革命性的操作方式,馬上列入我的觀察名單中...三個簡單的桌面「軟體icon清單」、「執行中的所有應用程式」、「所有訊息(未接來電、簡訊、社群訊息)」,滑指之間就能切換,省去Home Button,簡單、好用又順手!
它採用MeeGo作業系統和Intel CPU,而且可以透過代理程式跑Android軟體,如果硬體效能不錯,軟體支援又夠豐富的話,打算明年初換手機的我,也有可能捨棄iOS和Android喔~
Nokia N9 Design Story
Nokia N9 - The Big Introduction - Swipe with Nokia's Beautiful New Smartphone
- Jun 19 Sun 2011 12:46
Welcome to the Ilya Efimov Nylon Guitar library for Kontakt 4
We are pleased to offer you fantastic realistic virtual guitar. The sound of this library is rich and sensual, transparent and incredibly expressive. We have made fantastic realism by using 14 dynamic colors for each note. This library is essential for Nylon Guitar imitation. You can use all frets for each string. The select of the strings and positions can be both automatic and manual. The control over any parameter is available though Graphic User Interface and your sequencer. You can easily use any of 14 articulations, selecting a particular articulation that you need. Legato and glissando are implemented in the library. Using those features you can reach a higher level of realism. The library contains a great number of FXs, such as side noises that will appear during the time one plays the guitar up to percussion effects.
We do hope that our library will not leave you indifferent and its use will give you a great number of interesting musical ideas.
- Jun 18 Sat 2011 12:32
Orchestral Tools - Orchestral String Runs
[OSR] - Runs Transition Patch (Playable String Runs)
Orchestral String Runs - RUNS BUILDER
- Jun 14 Tue 2011 08:52
東京事變最新單曲 Brand New Civilization
- Jun 11 Sat 2011 23:53
《戰地風雲 3》載具的遊戲片段
Battlefield 3: Thunder Run Tank Gameplay Trailer (E3)
- Jun 11 Sat 2011 10:14
UA Artist Tips & Tricks - Dave Isaac
Dave Isaac 示範如何使用 UA 的效果器,讓電鋼、Pad變得更立體,讓電吉他 solo 顆粒更清楚...
UA Artist Tips & Tricks - Dave Isaac
- Jun 10 Fri 2011 20:59
- Jun 08 Wed 2011 09:08
任天堂Wii再出招!!推出Wii U
任天堂給玩家的驚喜還真是一波接一波啊!從一開始的控制棒體感玩法、Let's TAP、平衡板...到動感增強,現在又出現革命性的「可當掌上型遊樂器的大型控制器」~
Nintendo Wii U - E3 2011: Announcement Trailer
- Jun 07 Tue 2011 20:00
IK Multimedia White 2A, Black 76
Announcing the New White 2A Leveling Amplifier T-RackS Single
White 2A Leveling Amplifier
The White 2A Leveling Amplifier is based on a legendary vintage unit that is entirely tube-based. It’s a totally different device in terms of construction where all the compression magic happens inside an optically coupled element formed by a fluorescent panel and some photocells: the famed T4A element. There is no electronic circuitry involved with the compression itself. It's just a tube amp with photo-resistors, lighted by a fluorescent panel driven by the output signal. At the time of this invention, there were not many ways of making an audio compressor: only variable-mu and optical. Optical was the simplest one, and if proper elements for both the light emitting panel and the photocells were matched, magic happened.
- Jun 03 Fri 2011 20:50
PORTER CIRE 598-09641-10 新包入手!
- May 28 Sat 2011 02:10
NI Session Strings PRO
- May 26 Thu 2011 09:11
這位混音師講得更嚴重...是幫聲音進行「外科手術」= =
影片中使用到的音準校正軟體應該就是大名鼎鼎的Waves Tune
- May 09 Mon 2011 21:43
Lexicon® 224 Digital Reverb Plug-In for UAD-2
Lexicon 224 Plug-In Trailer for UAD-2
Lexicon 224 Digital Reverb Plug-In Demo
- Apr 28 Thu 2011 10:28