目前分類:吉他、Bass音色/效果器 (55)

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Welcome to the Ilya Efimov Nylon Guitar library for Kontakt 4

We are pleased to offer you fantastic realistic virtual guitar. The sound of this library is rich and sensual, transparent  and incredibly expressive. We have made fantastic realism by using 14 dynamic colors for each note. This library is essential for Nylon Guitar imitation. You can use all frets for each string. The select of the strings and positions can be both automatic and manual. The control over any parameter is available though Graphic User Interface and your sequencer. You can easily use any of 14 articulations, selecting a particular articulation that you need. Legato and glissando are implemented in the library. Using those features you can reach a higher level of realism. The library contains a great number of FXs, such as side noises that will appear during the time one plays the guitar up to percussion effects.

We do hope that our library will not leave you indifferent and its use will give you a great number of interesting musical ideas.



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Introducing the Scarbee Funk Guitarist by Native Instruments

Audio Demos

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Epic Guitars Vol. 1


  Epic Guitar Vol. 1 by Tonehammer


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AmpliTube Fender for iPhone and iPad Trailer

AmpliTube Fender for iPhone Overview

AmpliTube Fender for iPhone

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Dr Octo Rex Guitar Collection

A Christmas treat from Propellerhead Software, this collection of electric and acoustic guitar loops for the Dr Octo Rex loop player in Reason 5. Each patch comes with eight loops arranged by song key, making this a very handy tool when adding a guitar track to you song.

Want to get your hands on it? Join us on http://facebook.com/Propellerhead and check the 'Fans only' page for more info.

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AmpliTube 2 for iPhone

New Stomp models

4-Track Recorder

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Larry Mitchell + Tony James - Trilian Spy Rock



In this video, Grammy-winning Producer/Guitarist Larry Mitchell showcases the possibilities of triggering Spectrasonics Trilian Total Bass software virtual instrument from his MIDI Guitar. Drummer Tony James jams live with Larry to create a rocking original tune with a distinct "secret agent" vibe. Be sure to check out the Behind the Scenes video to see how the session was done...Enjoy! :-)

Larry Mitchell + Tony James - Trilian Funk Blues


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Cinematic Guitars Teaser

Cinematic Guitars: Multis In Action

Dissecting The Cinematic Guitars Interface

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Prominy SR5 Rock Bass demo - Realtime Legato Slide

Prominy SR5 Rock Bass demo - Polyphonic

Prominy SR5 Rock Bass demo - Hammer-on / Pull-off / Trill

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AmpliTube iRig (trailer) - plug your guitar into your iPhone and rock out!

AmpliTube iRig - plug your guitar into your iPhone and rock out!

AmpliTube for iPad (trailer) - plug your guitar into your iPad and rock out!

AmpliTube for iPhone app Quick Start Guide

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Vandal: Virtual bass and guitar amplifier (english)

Vandal: Virtual bass and guitar amplifier 2 (english)

Vandal - Vst Guitar Amp

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GuitarConnect | Turn your iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad into an effects loop

iShred Rocks the iPhone!

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Prominy SC Electric Guitar demo - Underwater World

Prominy SC Electric Guitar demo - Pickup Selector and Auto Stroke Detection

Prominy SC Electric Guitar demo - 1981

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TC Electronic PolyTune for iPhone

In this video, you will get a complete overview of the PolyTuneiPhone App from TC Electronic. In short, it's a 1:1 port from theoriginal, award-winning PolyTune pedal, which was the world's firstpolyphonic guitar and bass tuner.

How to build your own PolyTune

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Lyle Mays and Alex Acuña - Duo #1

In this video, legendary keyboardist Lyle Mays (Pat MethenyGroup) and world-class drummer Alex Acuña (Weather Report) lay down anamazing, uptempo improvisation with the Acoustic Bass from our TrilianTotal Bass Module and Omnisphere - both triggered in real-time from aMIDI'ed Grand Piano.

Lyle Mays and Alex Acuña - Duo #2

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Josh Gabriel - Trilian Remix

In this video, electronic artist Josh Gabriel remixes his track "My Friend" with Trilian for all the synth parts and then takes the new mix out and spins it in his live set to see how it plays in the club.

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鋼琴手和用鍵盤Bass手的耳機好熟悉啊...那不是DT-770 Pro嗎?

George Duke + Greg Phillinganes - "The Face"

In this video, legendary keyboardists George Duke and Greg Phillinganes jam with our Trilian Total Bass Module - with Bob Wilson laying down his trademark drumming.

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Chris Vrenna - Trilian Performance Video

Chris Vrenna - Behind the Scenes

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乾淨的DI電吉他Rock & Metal節奏音源,可以套用自己喜歡的效果器Plug-in,調出自己喜愛的Tone...

Impact Soundworks presents SHREDDAGE - Metal Guitar Sample Library!

Shreddage (Rock/Metal Guitar Samples) - Demonstration Video

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